Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Listerine Pocket Paks

training alumnus

Hello everyone. I leave this post I have posted:

" Good all,
I'm going
to tell my own experience: Until a few months I was a student and was formed in gestalt therapy. In the absence of one year I decided to finish the training after a long time since I wanted to continue with this story. My personality has changed a lot since I started training. It had been a quiet, reflective, with very clear ideas, among other features. When "I realized" and that bothers me, "I realized" because the jargon Gestalt bothers me, because that, I realized that this man was no longer quiet, excited me very often, I became a very aggressive with a very high degree of anger that he could not suppress, I started having more trouble sleeping, was not sympathetic with others, he felt no compassion for my relatives, had continued smoothly, difficulty concentrating, and most troubling to me is that the idea of \u200b\u200bsuicide became more and more an appearance in my life when I never, NEVER NEVER, had appointed the word I had not even crossed his mind . The point is that let individual therapy (for the TITULIN will require eighty hours of individual therapy a minimum and do not know how many of supervision) and training group. By God, I even idolize my psicoterapueta, to have an emotional dependence bestial ... and go to training was like Chutes ...

But not all negative criticism. There are also positive things for the time being I will not tell you because I am still very pissed off with everything that happened. Finally, share with you that I come from a sector that, professionally, it has nothing to do with psychological therapies and everything around him.

I am ashamed to say I've been forming in TG, whereas before filled my mouth telling and explaining that it was as nice and it was the best investment ever made in my life. Fortunately, the "contact" withdrawal ", the withdrawal has come before things got more serious and ugly to me.

Kisses to all,

Penelope (pseudonym to remain anonymous) "


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