Thursday, September 30, 2010

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A witness who has suffered the consequences of Gestalt psychotherapy under his control

Then you leave a direct testimony of Ana Isabel, who has also suffered from gestalt:

"I had never heard of Gestalt therapy, all I know is that after 7 years off relationship with my partner and when he was about to throw in the towel, the last year he decided he wanted to fight for the relationship and be together for real, because he loved me and did not want to miss.
neither wanted to lose him today and despite what happened, I still think that he had been happy, because I felt it myself, I felt good, despite its problems, all we have and the love, after all, cover or disguise because that is love, learn to love the other or love him despite his faults.

Anyway, I have much to say really except that he was convinced to love myself and be with me, and were best friends in the world. But he started going to call Gestalt therapy, I do not know who told him about it, do not know why he thought it would be a good idea to go there.

I had a lot of sessions there. I only know that he seemed happy, he said that the therapist was a little hard on him but he said things which seemed incredible that he knew of his life, I know, I had the feeling that a bit mystified when he spoke so well him, which I never understood their problems were just beyond their insecurities (which everyone has) and his professional ambitions (which everyone has).

Somehow, I think that made him believe he could achieve anything, everything he had dreamed of since I was a teenager, go to the U.S., to develop their potential there, be free and the artist recognized had idealized. I believe that the therapist made him think that was possible and no, I am not mistaken, of course it is possible, but may well not be and that has to mean any failure of life, because from my point of view he had other good qualities I had my loved him unconditionally and that it had proved so over the years, had his family, his friends, the ability to live with me and travel, career opportunities elsewhere in the world.

But unfortunately he preferred to hear the therapist's version, which was obviously more stroking his ego, which perhaps accounted for less effort, the change of address he wanted me there would be no commitment but would be easier if I started from scratch, with no one, like all these years of effort would not have meant anything. And so it happened, it broke me in a humiliating way, completely opposite to what someone says to love someone should do, I was punished first two weeks of silence, I called not once, left me sad and waiting for his words, and I did not know very well what he had done wrong, we had discussed whether it? but that was not love? It was not me who said it was me? the girl I wanted, I know, finally, after I sent an e-mail, e-mail contradictory in that said that I wanted but I had to be alone.

not know what to say, I really was suffering if he could leave me so, I answered dam of compassion, saying that she understood him, then I sank. I spent the most miserable months of my life, did not understand how someone who had loved so much could treat me like this after so many years. Time passed and I realized that he had never loved me, and if I had wanted something strange must have happened to behave so badly with me and leave me that way so humiliating, so sad, so ... I do not know, the few times I talked to him after I saw him forcing himself to believe that what he had done had a broader sense, also surprised at my reproof, as if they understood the damage I had done, wanted to be friends, I spoke as if nothing had happened?

I can not say, I thought and thought and the only thing that occurred to me to explain so absurd and painful change was the Gestalt, I read a bit and I realized that what is intended by the Gestalt impossible, utopian, because obviously people's feelings, obviously that is not life a certain way and that success does not lead to go down a path, particularly along a road that is only a mental representation, a path does not even exist, and no one has proven to be successful or not.

The truth is that writing has shown me that I am not completely cured, which still suffer enough, they'd rather not think about not to fall into depression, attempted to continue with my life but have been 7 years and I still love him a lot, love does not know when but someday pass away.

I just console myself that if a stupid psychoanalytic theory has become the wonder that is before my eyes is that he was a man of weak heart that basically had never been happy with anyone. Just hope you do not wake up from their fantasy, which is not smart enough to realize what are you doing with your life, because if one day wakes up from sleep and discover what has not think I can raise its head in what remains of life.

I am the victim, but perhaps also the winner. Because he is the worst victim. And I hope the time will not do more damage "


Saturday, September 25, 2010

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Walkie-talkie Protocol

Gestalt psychotherapy and whether they are trained to treat people. Confessions

striking that many therapists who work in schools or in private houses (almost all under economy ), has no degree in Psychology. Many of the psychotherapists who practice as such, have that degree, however, are "trained" in many things and brag about it in their home pages where they sell their services.
We leave you some examples of these "formations" "serious" and "prestige" (as they):

-Integrative Psychotherapy and the Enneagram. SAT Program (Claudio Naranjo).
Gestalt Therapy
-therapeutic work with dreams
-Family and Systemic Constellations by Bert Hellinger
-Bioenergetics and Psychoanalysis
-Master in NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis
-Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming-NLP

In most cases, these people have no degree in Psychology, and as we have reported: untitled psychologists People can not exercise and also without being collegial and that behind the Humanistic Psychology títiulo but there are some sects that view each particular case.
No psychologist can practice legally and apply any type of psychotherapy throughout the State without peer, at least for now.

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about the dangers of Gestalt. FEATURED ARTICLE


(...) The attitudes of the school of Gestalt forms or facilitate changes in the individual and therefore can be applied to any personal situation such as school, home, office, etc. In general, the methods used by Gestalt therapist (guide or leader in private sessions and group self-discovery. (...)

(...) The Gestalt is a powerful method for personal development and, like any other power can be misused. The change brings uncertainty for both the person concerned and their relatives, so that relationships can be revitalized and expanded rapidly. Moreover, stable intimacy can be destroyed, and sometimes it is doubtful whether the flowering of an individual can justify the pain of marriage breakdown, especially when children are
often distortions of Gestalt dcben to our concept of responsibility. People can develop new sets of self-torture and blamed for their suffering. also the position of autonomy can be transformed into a lack of sensitivity to the needs of others. An inexperienced therapist can discard all the information that is not produced here and now. As a group, individual attention can be done at the expense of group process and the recognition of the group as a whole more. (...)

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About George Gurdjieff - and its relationship with the Enneagram and Claudio Naranjo - Reviews and comments

George Gurdjieff: Russia 1877. The Fourth Way. Knowledge of master perpetuated to the present. The Enneagram entered Western culture through the Schools of Gurdjieff, who worked with Sufis and other esoteric knowledge of traditional schools in the East. Later was developed by Oscar Ichazo, Bolivian and founder of the Arica Institute, a student of yoga, zen ... who developed an application to psychological study of character. Gurdjieff's teachings are delivered in the fourth level of our Order.

The Enneagram is a long but veiled history. It is believed to have originated in Afghanistan, nearly two thousand years ago, perhaps in the early years of Christian influence in Persia and then infiltrated Muslim circles after this religion invaded Central Asia and the subcontinent of India.
Until this century has been strictly as a secret oral tradition and only made known to the followers of Sufism. What in the West is known about the Enneagram was initiated by George Gurdjieff, although there is a written description of the work.
A Ichazo Oscar is credited with the Sufi Enneagram knowledge of academia, first in Chile, where it originated and then in the U.S.. Ichazo educated in Bolivia and Peru and was introduced in the Sufi tradition of the Enneagram by a man whose name he declined to reveal. Some years later Ichazo attracted the attention of some members of Esalen (California), among which were Claudio Naranjo, who currently teaches the "wonders" Enneagram.

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reviews and comments
The system, developed by the Chilean psychiatrist Claudio Naranjo from its relationship with the Bolivian Oscar Ichazo diffuser, whom he met in the course of their experiments, not only intended as a typology of the psyche, but also a catalog of typical strengths and weaknesses, and a therapeutic of the problems associated with each personality. For the nine types - the reformer, the helper, the successful, the investigator, the individualistic, loyal, enthusiastic, the challenger and the Pacific - under the vices of anger, pride, deceit, envy, greed, fear, gluttony, lust and sloth, and so on.
Its practitioners say that the Enneagram is an ancient theory was born over 2000 years in Afghanistan and Babylon by the Greeks from Pythagoras and the early Christians, being transmitted by oral tradition, Sufi.
Other more moderate currents attribute Ichazo types as input, but getting the inspiration from them to the occult Georges Ivanovich Gurdjieff.
The scientific community rejects the theory of the Enneagram, and no health system supporting its use in the health, lacking relevance or proven therapeutic effectiveness.

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Enneagram Enneagram "Scientific Basis?

(Source: C2% BFel-enneagram-have-any-basis-scientific /)

"The Enneagram has any scientific basis?
September 12, 2009

At times, some psychologists speak of the Enneagram as a personality test, even get to present it as a scientific method, even if those stipulates clear that "will never be a diagnosis of personality."
However, as we read in The Skeptical Digital, in an article titled "Pseudoscience in Human Resources," "the Enneagram, advocates say, is presented as a method of spiritual growth to know oneself as nine archetypes personality-like handwriting, which can acquire better and more balanced personal integrity. It is a method personal knowledge based on the interaction of nine universal cosmic forces "... it is not surprising that D. Ricardo Fernández Díez de la Lastra, Assistant Director of Training of DaimlerChrysler Spain, SA, writer, asked sarcastically "Is not this sound like you horoscope?", Clearly indicating that "the enneagram has no basis in psychological science, and any other scientific discipline, "although presented by its supporters as a psychological method. But its real identity is in the esoteric, and a secret wisdom accessible only to initiates. "
addition, according to the author, "Was Oscar Ichazo, Bolivian psychologist and very fond of occultism who introduced the Enneagram the correlation of his nine points with nine personality types, and it is not unusual that none of this is based on a scientific method, since Ichazo , "said to have discovered the Enneagram personality types during one of his ecstasies and under the influence of an angel."

For Fernandez Diez, "the enneagram dazzles the most gullible for the same reason that horoscopes: it is a simple and universal fit everything and everyone and know the deep reasons of the people and events to come. " According
Palmer (1996), whose book helped the Enneagram to spread worldwide, "the Enneagram is an ancient Sufi teaching that distinguishes nine different types of personality and relationship. Education may help us to recognize our own type and how to address our problems, to understand our co-workers, family and friends and to assess the predisposition of each type has for higher human capacities such as empathy, omniscience and love. " On the cover of his book can be read that "the Enneagram is an ancient system of psychology rooted in the sacred traditions. His insights into human behavior have made it popular enough to be applied in very diverse areas ranging from the Stanford School of Businnes to personal growth groups. The work of Helen Palmer joins this ancient system of identifying personality types with empirical research and insights of modern psychology to create a practical and powerful method with which to understand ourselves and others. "
This explanation of Palmer, and as indicated on the cover of your book, do not seem to mention empirical research, since according to Bermudez (1991) "which is intended in any scientific activity is to achieve certainty about the functional relationships between the phenomena of interest. This goal can be accomplished in a number of procedures, which are what, in one form or another is called 'method' (...) the use of these methodological procedures must satisfy certain requirements included in the concept of validity (... ) is not worth any method for any problem. "
Bermúdez (1991), clarifies some key issues for the study of personality:
sense of personality refers to the uniqueness of the individual?
"Personality is the result of the relationships between various characteristics that may be common to all individuals, but not only that, it peculiarly defining personality is the particular combination of these characteristics in each person gives rise to a new unit, qualitatively different from the components that are blended in it "(Allport, 1963, quoted by Bermúdez, 1991).
What methods can be used in the study of something that is unique? Can we all do science?
There is some dispute "between two forms, apparently exclusive to understand the research"
• Alternative idiographic, "argues that the person is unique and therefore have used specific methodological strategies designed to capture all the richness of its individuality. "
• nomothetic approach, "argues that the uniqueness of individuals is something that touches the artists and historians, science deals with the development of laws applicable to everyone, then in this sense, personality, by their very nature, fall outside the scope of science. "
Bermúdez (1991) proposes an integrative suggestion:
"The study of personality if you want to stay in the context of science, must rely on their own approaches to science, although this does not mean that there that neglect the consideration of those issues that only careful study of the case (idiografía) can provide.
The overall research process there are various stages and some of them, particularly in the development of hypotheses may be relevant to the contribution of the studies led by an idiographic approach, to enhance significantly the description the phenomenon under study. "
After Bermúdez considerations and despite that Dr. Charles T. Tart of the University of California, has supported the book by Helen Palmer to write the preface, in my view, the Enneagram is not located in the "context of science, pseudo their approaches are closer to esotericism or as indicated Fernández Díez, the horoscope as science, without empirical evidence attesting to his statements or his ranking of the correlation of his nine points with nine personality types that seem to Oscar Ichazo discovered "during one of his ecstasy and under the influence of an angel ", which obviously is far from approaching the scientific method.
However, it is true that there are some studies, like Wagner & Walker (1983), which finds evidence that "the Enneagram typology seems to have diagnostic value, forecast and heuristic for the study of the structure and dynamic personality, "although I have not located further research to confirm these findings. If any reader has references to articles that support or refute these results, it would be interesting to include them in the comments of this post.
Bermúdez, J. (1991). Personality Psychology (Volume I). Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.
Palmer, H. (1996). The Enneagram. Barcelona: The Books of the March Hare.
Wagner, JP & Walker, RE (1983). Reliability and Validity study of a Sufi personality typology: The enneagram. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 39 (5), 712-717. (Abstract)


Enneagram: a foundation of Gestalt, developed by Claudio Narajo.

(...) Let's go with the Enneagram.

forgive me if I briefly discuss the basics of the Enneagram. That the case is kidding. The Enneagram, the Greek enne (nine) and gramma (sign) is a diagram consisting of a circle with nine points on its circumference, linked together by a triangle and a hexagon circumscribed, do not you sound like Kabbalah and Gnosis? Originally used for divination, and both the Gnostic Christians and Sufi mystics used it as a method of study of the "mysteries" of the universe to know the Truth, and Ramon Llull used an extended form of this system to demonstrate in his Ars Magna the Absolute Truth of Christianity against Judaism and Islam.

It attributes the rediscovery of the enneagram and its introduction in Europe in the early twentieth century, George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, Russian doctor who traveled in the East and met, in his words to the wise (the Brotherhood of Samouni) that reveals the truth. Gurdjieff was fascinated with all kinds of esoteric knowledge: the occult, communication with the dead, magic, secret societies ... After his flight from Russian Revolution in 1922 founded a school in Fontainebleau (Paris) to convey what he called the Fourth Way as opposed to the three traditional monastic Buddhist and Fakir. Gurdjieff was and is the benchmark for excellence in the occult and esoteric fans and New Age in the last century, and their schools are legion.

The Enneagram, advocates say, is presented as a method of spiritual growth to know oneself as nine archetypes of personality - like handwriting - that allows the development the best and most balanced personal integrity. It is a method of personal knowledge based on the interaction of nine universal cosmic forces. Does not this sound like you horoscope?

The Enneagram has no basis in psychological science - and in any other scientific discipline - although it is presented by its supporters as a psychological method. But its real identity is in the esoteric, and a secret wisdom accessible only to initiates. According to Gurdjieff, the enneagram is a universal symbol of the cosmos and, as such, is a source of knowledge based on mathematical and physical laws. The same laws that govern the orbits of the planets, other Once the scientific clothing to cover most of the nonsense -. But it was Oscar Ichazo, Bolivian psychologist and very fond of the occult who introduced the Enneagram in the correlation of his nine points with nine personality types.

According Ichazo, each person is born as pure essence - Neoplatonic vision of the soul and the parable of the cave and the shadows - but that to survive are forced to develop a personality that will be your ego. Sometime between 4 and 6 years, choose one of 9 basic patterns of thought. Each of these patterns of thought is connected to a pattern behavior. This personality chosen as the cause of unhappiness - come on, whatever you do, you pinch the bull -. So to be happy, one must return to its essence - the rebirthding that game has given both the New Age, if all the stupid pseudo finish in the same pot - compensating for fixing the ego, which who knows what that is. According to enneagrams this is achieved by cultivating the thought and behavior patterns opposite and complementary to yours. This will be exercising the body and mind through meditation and use your hands to perform the mudras, which are sacred gestures type the Buddhist and Hindu recommended for improvement, and as a way to banish the negative emotions.

As none of this is based on a scientific method, Ichazo, to get us out of doubt, if we had any, says he discovered the Enneagram personality types during one of his ecstasies and under influence of an angel.

Finally, a long story and more with the intellectual and scientific background is what nourished the Enneagram of yore and their supposed virtues of personal and organizational analysis. The Enneagram dazzles the most gullible for the same reason that horoscopes: it is a simple and universal fit everything and everyone and know the deep reasons of the people and future events. (...)

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Who is Claudio Naranjo, SAT course creator training

striking the words "spirituality", "psycho-spiritual school" and "the love factor in prioritizing the education of the heart love over the practice."

But about his biography ... very interesting

(Source: the book "Psychological theories and systems
human theories, and experiential the Fourth Force: Transpersonal psychology "Excerpts from: Manuel Almond (1995). Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy)

(...) Claudio Naranjo is one of those pioneers who from California
were delivered to new emergencies, investigating psychotropic drugs, learning and
spiritual guidance, which places it in a bridge between Gestalt and Transpersonal Psychology. In his writings is also apparent a concern for those aimed at harmonizing new emergencies around the globe, so is interested in proposing community-based alternatives.
Oscar was with the Bolivian Ichazo in Anca times in Chile, in contact with "reflection" of the Barak, which looked divine energy in the twilight, with the reduction of ego and Transfer: exercise love to all men, with the Enneagram is growing today, was the fourth way .(...)

head (...) Spain is inspiring many gestalt psychotherapy centers, having made several tell me whose participants. His
piercing eyes and inquisitive expression does not prevent a shout reflecting their physical
constant walking .(...)

(...) Raising awareness Naranjo posed to realize is the spiritual itself is the "Buddhahood "awakening to itself, because the mind is itself the container. This entroncalo Transpersonal in personal, spiritual (Claudio favorite word) in the ego. Spirituality in Gestalt therapy is concealed, it relegates religion aside the ordinary and present, but not be taken into account in the transpersonal nature of consciousness making .(...)

(...) However, Naranjo, in his writings also opts for a psychology of transcendence, a spiritual psychology that comes when not controlled delivery. It stands to reason that their life experiences, both ~ field of meditation and Eastern practices, his visits to the worlds of nagual, we have provided a vision that goes beyond the therapeutic to enter the pedagogical and in the realms of
.(...) energy consciousness

(...) The spiritual process, concrete Naranjo, involves the annihilation
of what stands between us and God, what is the veil of darkened mind .(...)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hair Thinning At Front

Spring arrived! Fashion Trends

One of the stations I like it is spring, because we started to see again the first rays of sun, without being subjected to the unbearable heat of summer. Seeing this changing season also causes change our way of dressing, use bright colors, we are in a better mood and everything seems more beautiful. But what about our makeup? Keep in mind that if we change the way we dress, we must also highlight our roster, and we must learn to make-up of a more spring.
In New York Fashion Week SS 2011, Estée Lauder catwalk show in its new spring looks.
take this opportunity to show them a really nice look, easy to make and very spring.

highlighting colors are bright orange, almond eyes and nude lips tone. peach-toned cheeks and nails in neutral colors.

In this picture we see the Make-up Director Tom Pecheux, leading the group of makeup artists, which together with 30 models) show the new trend in makeup for spring.

Another photo showing tone nail polish that mark the trend this season.

Shadow color Beige Sandbar Sugar Cube
Sumptuous Bold Volume Lifting
Mascara in Black Double Wear
Stay-in-Place Lip Pencil in Coral
A lot of mascara Black Double Lip
Coral Place

* To ensure the appearance of orange in the shade of the eyes, Tom has used two shades of lip:
Pure Color lipstick and Double Wear Stay-in-Place in Coral lipstick.


Double Wear Stay-in-Place eyeliner in brown tone


Pure Color Long Lasting Lipstick


Bronze Goddess Soft Matte Bronzer and blush Sweet Nectar


PolvosDouble Wear Stay-in-Place
Profiler Idealist Pore Minimizing Face
FPS antioxidant cream 15 Protection
multiple Illuminator Double Wear Lucidity Translucent Powder SPF10

Face chart

Photos and products Estée Lauder

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What Type Of Fondant Does Buddy Use

A Gestalt therapists experience with Gestalt

These people who take the title in a couple of years on the basis of doing therapy (gestalt training is usually done on weekends) based group of theater practice, corporal expression, ect, these people can not make a serious assessment if the person seeking help has some kind of neurosis or childhood trauma, problems of lack of paternal or maternal love.
also not allowed to question what they propose, do not support a "what is this for?". Actually, when they see the patient / client has "custom" to think for themselves or topics about things, then you realize that "here is something that does not fit."
Of course, one of the things they do is ask about the relationship with "Papa and Mama" and woe to you who say you've had a happy childhood and you have confidence in them. You look like a penalty.

The main problem patient / client gestalt is that he does not realize the damage it does to his inner circle, especially if your partner has. They become self-centered in the superlative.

Soon "notices" that your partner does not love him, question the care and love they receive and see problems in other people or the person they approach their gestalt. " Actually see gaps where none exists and exaggerate everything to the limit, suggesting the person next to him is not really up to the needs of the patient / client.
The patient / client focuses on himself, his needs, suddenly demanding a change in his life, his family, in their day to day. Suddenly the couple is analyzed, judged on his behavior and his own sanity. Usually the patient / client gestalt see problems in your partner, self-esteem issues, talk about assertiveness, that you do not know yourself and therefore insist you have to do Gestalt psychotherapy to "grow as a person", because all world has to be at their new level of self-knowledge, if you do not want to delve into yourself, look at you differently. Arrive at the conclusions that your partner does not admire, the patient / client needs to be admired, you need to being by him to a level of demand that disturbs your partner. In a blog that talks about the other side of the gestalt ( its author really overboard with the following words:

"- Demonstrations negative patients affected are abandoning their homes, stripped of values, ends empathy with others, selfishness, irresponsibility, cut all family interdependence and relationship to not be dependent or purchase commitments with third parties. "So says the gestalt we do not need anyone or anything in the world? If all you are worth in this life are people around us. "

" - are justified acts of the patient (without values). Receive cuddle and comfort to make them feel good, no matter what happens to others. "

is significant that arose another school of Gestalt, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), which is considered the" trade daughter "of Gestalt, NLP is oriented to success and change and the Gestalt acceptance and inner peace. But this would be an issue to be discussed calmly.

would be really interesting that people who have lived closely the consequences of a spouse, friend or family member who is in gestalt therapy and who have felt identified with this article do know and share their experiences.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Origami Platypus Diagrams


When a person gets into a sect, their behavior changes and moves away from its immediate surroundings and is the same behavior you see in a person receiving gestalt therapy.
Care gestalt therapy is not as pretty as the paint. A gestalt therapist can take you to the emotional and financial ruin and tell you after you've made the decision. If you are looking for all the negatives of gestalt therapy this is the place and if you have been affected by this therapy I ask you to tell us your experience in this blog.

The obsession with people's behavior by people with psychiatric boiling, emotional hypersensitivity, excessive devotion to the therapy, the need for constant presence, the exaggerated need for love, lack of eigenvalues, loneliness, lack of personality are some of the consequences that could lead the patient to a world of emotional suffering, accompanied by large economic costs where beneficiary will always be the therapist. We live in a time where the emotions are very valuable in our rich world and a pseudo-psychologists have found a way to make a killing: gestalt therapy. If the success or failure of therapy depends on the therapist, it means being put into the hands of the kind of results that, if not, is traumatic and unbearable consequences and the therapist has no responsibility. Create ghosts in your life to kill the reality, live with your fantasy alien to your problems, have a hypersensitivity emotional and affective obsess on what is happiness, are some things the gestalt therapist will get you into your mind and then ask you keep going out to consultation. for life.
When you get a gestalt therapy first thing that happens is that its behavior changes completely. You are advised to not hold back and if you apply in your life is a domination over the people with whom they live. Impose their desires above all else and if you are single, self-centeredness of the person being treated, it creates a great conflict. A quote from Fritzs. Perls says, "If we agree it will be wonderful, if not, there is nothing to do." This one is directed to the world of the couple and if your partner receives gestalt therapy is likely to end in rupture. The gestalt does not give importance to rupture and is more the cause. Takes a break as an opportunity for better or worse, that is a change. Certainly one can not generalize and that success depends on the therapist, who does not have to be a psychologist. In this case we have a public health problem as people without much knowledge in psychology, neurotic innocent rescheduled to leave them helpless to fend for themselves and eventually return to the same place where they charge substantial sums of money to get another after therapy. At the start of therapy, practiced in the street and at home, all that the therapist will advise you depending on the therapy given to him who is being treated, are big changes. In the affective domain, give a very significant shift in the environment but does not explain what is happening as far as the rest of society finds it incomprehensible behavior. On the other hand puts his desires above the other, leading to conflicts with people around him and is able to do them even if alone. As before therapy there was no conflict for that reason. If you are partner of a person who receives gestalt therapy really your partner every day and every hour, in a very strange because in your mind is having a lot of conflicts that are away from your company and your partner. This is a person round of everyday situation and that the last three years of therapy, everything ends in breaking. Break with your partner, your job, your family or friends, the therapist will recommend a change that can go well or make life miserable, but the therapist that encourages change and become an economic sum of its very high patient does not have any responsibility, saying you are an adult and you've made the decision. Imagine that you go to the shop to repair your car and tell you or you fix it or I'll break it again, but I'm going to charge, that is Gestalt therapy.

Gestalt therapy is reprogramming. Imagine that a person enters a destructive cult and loses its identity and sink emotionally As Gestalt therapy is not specific leaders, but can be considered a sect without specific leader and the leader is the therapist. At first they were concerned for them but after high self-esteem by altering their personality, make them dependent on their therapy. When applied to both psychoanalysis, group therapy and a very ideological approach continued, we found a destructive cult as gestalt therapy. When a person has big changes after therapy so insistent psychologically affecting herself and her surroundings, is because he has been influenced in a traumatic way of a programming process, putting psychoanalysis therapy group and ideological criteria while obsessively.

The person receiving Gestalt therapy, a person becomes obsessed with the behavior of those around you and make unsociable. It is very watchful of the affection of those closest. It is impossible to live with a person who looks at all times and have problems with society. They are people fond of psychology with a knowledge of course, but with a sense of professional knowledge and conviction that what we think is reality, although it is possible that even comes close to what actually happens. The feeling they understand the behavior of their social environment and their own, they do have major emotional conflicts. The assurance that what they think is the real thing makes them hooked to an exciting world that is the behavior of individuals but at the ham.

the beginning of the workshops is injected a large dose of self esteem to get caught in a welfare state and continue with what they call training. Which is just the whole method of reprogramming and indoctrination that takes them to break with the old personality and past. It gives them the confidence and support to be able to break out of what previously could not do, such as a break with your partner, friends, work etc. And they make regular therapy and her therapist for life, which of course is not free. They are taught that gestalt therapy is beneficial and that everyone is affected differently depending on their personality. That decisions taken after each therapy are personal decisions and that if they need to make a change in your life, the decision is personal and that any change can be better or worse in your life. After traumatizarte with both psychological experiment gives you the option to decide and tell you that the therapist does not have responsibility for your future and especially if you sink into poverty. When they start to say "I realize "Are at the stage of taking tough decisions driven by the disorder causing them emotional therapy. And they are driven by their therapist to complete their decisions, here and now, driven by the emotions of the moment. Although not accurate decisions , forced to continue until the end.
A person who receives gestalt therapy has altered the role of affection and touch. If you are in the street with another person in the group was greeted as if they would love and give no explanation for such behavior. They have a need to touch and kiss every person in their social environment. This is striking situation and that before the therapy is not well behaved. The person receiving gestalt therapy plans they call wishes and by all means have to try them because if you do not realize it becomes repressed and they said they can come the disease. They say that their wishes can not suppress suppressed because they fall ill.

exercises carried out in group therapy, exercises are carried out in many cults and are highly emotional and even traumatic emotional and reality shows are real. The exercises are carried out sectarian conflict leading to a traumatic event in their lives that make even stop if normal life. Anyone who makes a gestalt therapy at the end of therapy says that is no longer the same person because the pressure has had throughout the process is so great that your personality is completely altered and their short-term consequences are unbearable to all personal and social levels. They become dependent on therapists who practice it.

A phrase that is widely used in Gestalt therapy is "be yourself." Psychoanalyze you, indoctrinate you with his ideological approach and after all that intended to be yourself. Or rather, I think as I have taught you to be happy as you are not going to get, come back to leave your money in my office and I forraré, although it is not even a psychologist. Gestalt therapy is the evolution of sects and has greater acceptance in society. The circle in which work is still very closed and therefore has only praise on the Internet, but four pages like this.
Egocentrism promoting gestalt therapy, only leads to patient privacy with society and close people who are the ones that can support at a time of crisis. They make the channeled crisis with her therapist which of course will charge a hefty economic. Everything a business where the poor neurotic psychological are dependent on a cruel people who are psychologists untitled.
Most people performing gestalt therapy are advocates of the therapy but its immediate environment is considered a personality change and when the consequences are traumatic to the environment, it is clear the influence of the process is gestalt therapy course.
Symptoms of people treated with Gestalt therapy:

Egocentrism, questions his way of life, enhance the affection with the people around, touch and caress those closest to, alteration of his personality, inability to suppress their desires, behavior change in their surroundings, analyze your partner, parents, friends, etc. at all times, failure to perceive its changes are having so sudden, interest in the therapy of all other things, invited his family and friends to get therapy because he says he is going to come in handy, idolizes the therapist, said he realizes their behavior back in time to receive therapy in case of breakdown offers his interest to be friends after the separation, she avoids confrontation at any crisis, indoctrinated and gone feeling of reality.

Gestalt therapy is ranked within the humanist movement, which is something like the evolution of sects, to have greater acceptance in our society. Manipulate the ideology and values \u200b\u200bof the individual being treated. Indoctrinated in all its ideological agenda and he takes to the streets to make propaganda of their wonderful result. We are dependent for life therapist and charge a hefty economic throughout his life. It becomes a great human chain attached to the therapist, which lasts for life frustration among the poor neurotics who are being treated. A large industry subject to the economy as though it handles a lot of money is rare to see a legal bill and therefore is another fraud to society.
This quote is on Gestalt therapy and behavior of any sect.

"If two bodies 'Gestalt' are through casual union and opposition to his so-called needs (which is called the authenticity of the contact), each takes what it needs without taking into account the personality of another. "

Other phrases are: to satisfy their desires, their needs. This is selfishness and outside the group is not feasible. So creative conflicts and ruptures. If the behavior of anyone who indulges in gestalt therapy is is completely altered, because it is a cult designed to slip into society and humanist movement.

If you are a supporter of this type of therapy and those on this page, you'll see that everything is true but told otherwise. It's like you think if it is a cult or not. Everyone knows that causes traumatic changes, subject to indoctrination, handles a lot of money and in most cases brought by people who are not psychologists. Something that makes us reflect on those who are out of this world and who have been victims of reprogramming induced gestalt therapy. Urge caution here that gets people in this world, support for the suffering and the authorities who have the means, to examine and regulate the gestalt therapy. If you feel alone in this life, you are a candidate to fall into this kind of cult. If you feel lost and you have money, these pseudo psychologists are waiting to make you feel good and take your money. If you lack of affection, this is the perfect place but you will get a kidney. Do not solve life but they give you hope in return you give them something to them. This is something as psychological as it is your money.

gestalt therapists are indoctrinated people equally and with equal conviction that people already treated. These are people who follow the program strictly gestalt with small variations and only depends on your personality and the desire for manipulation. At a crucial moment, they have the wire to guide a solution that is accurate or not the patient. They are people with extreme certainty that what they are doing is right. His knowledge of psychology will have an extreme make up their minds and are always free from responsibility, because ultimately the patient who decides and this without even being psychologists in most cases. Everything you do in life is because they want to, not by obligation. The debentures are frustrations and disappointments like the repressed, brings the disease. When a patient comes in an initial interview the therapist, if not continuous, consider not even try, because insurance is a problem to address. We all have a problem to be addressed by a gestalt therapist. They are people obsessed with the behavior of people and what they call the gestalt philosophy. Believe that a healthy mental state goes through a psychoanalysis and its doctrine and listless if more therapy until the end of your days. Shock therapy that leads to trauma to the patient in group therapy for the therapist are a symbol of power and admiration for the person being treated and is no more than a great reality show repeated countless times in the same place and used in numerous sects throughout the world. Improvisation to create emotion and feeling The center engages therapists. I love being the center of emotion and are proud of them suffer the poor patients. It's a feeling that they can be addictive and try to improve in each session.

I think everyone has the right to a happy childhood as gestalt therapy leads to a break with children, causes double damage, The most important thing is not self but to protect children and this therapy is accelerating the breaks when a decision must be outside psychoanalytic process if no psychiatric problems. A standing partner need not be a deal breaker and if it were not for gestalt therapy that has received but a decision by the parties. An unhappy childhood is in the future, more customers for this therapy and therefore more business. This is the business of the century. The personality of each person is unique and gradually change over the life and influence us as we live and the people we know. That does not come ready to bring any happiness because it is deceiving and robbing something that not only belongs to you, but everyone who loves you and is counting on you. If you are not happy bout to be, but do not be fooled and steal your money. The most important thing is not me but people have to around you. Your little close partnership that supports you in the hard times and it enriches every day. Gestalt therapy unhappy doing that you create happy, neurotic to think psychologists, therapists who believe gods, self-centered, instructed and illuminated. How can you have an opinion on something as hard as those who practice it say they are looking for happiness and self-knowledge? I've stumbled upon this humanistic therapy and has made me unhappy is true that life goes on and all wounds are closed, but I want that decisions come from a dubious psychology workshop but by choice. All of this therapy lie still and will continue until unhappy is regulated by the association of psychologists. Can I serve my bad experience to create this view and you can not generalize, but with so many bad cases, but there are good, I just know my case and the people next to me, are not few. From here I would like to receive feedback of any kind and warm environment for not unhappy. The ideas are good but the man advantage and misapplied. I am not trying to hurt anyone but to draw attention to a dubious therapy is being introduced and is uncontrolled.