Monday, June 25, 2007

How Can You Tell When A Scorpio Man Likes

The Bronze Horseman - Aleksandr Pushkin

The Bronze Horseman
Translation, preliminary study notes
Eduardo Alonso Luengo. Bilingual edition.
Issue 1: 2001. 2 nd edition: 2005.
101 pp. Russia.
Pushkin, Alexandr
poetry Hyperion, 387
ISBN :84-7517-673-9 / 978-84-7517-673-4
Price: 8 €

In 1833, Alexander Pushkin ended one of the fundamental works his brief but dazzling biography. The Bronze Horseman is a narrative poem of average size: 481 lines, which although part of a real event - the flooding that hit St. Petersburg in 1824 - built from the particular perspective of Eugene, a poor officer loses his girlfriend in the flood, a rare epiphany, where the character, maddened by pain, faces the statue of Tsar Peter, who stands triumphant as the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius on a huge pedestal of rock on the banks of the Neva.

The poem progresses from the extreme violence of the storm inside the character's anguish and to an increasingly darker, with a plasticity, pace and sequence of images overwhelming.

A near-perfect poem and part of a work as a whole is considered that founded the modern Russian literature and on the other, gives rise to a brilliant line of St. Petersburg poets among them are Mandelstam, Akhmatova, Brodsky ...

This poem inspire the same Adolescent Dostoyevsky when he reflects on San Petersburg: "If you go back just as the fog and goes back, does not she go with all that rotten, muddy city, not rise with the mist and disappear like fog, and his place will be in the old swamp Finnish, and at its center, for ornament, the Bronze Horseman on the wheezy horse? ".

As audacious as a bit condescending to Tsar Nicholas I was one of the few works that have remained steadily in the Russian literary canon, even after the cultural upheaval of the Soviet revolution. In the preface says the frequent comparisons with Mozart Pushkin, both because of his prodigious talent to his brief biography. This work may yet be able to connect fully with another artist of the day: Eugene Delacroix, with the movement that gives his works, with the strength of the line and the intense use of chiaroscuro.

Excerpt: (...)
Surrounding the pedestal
the poor fool is about, and look
nails in the face of the Czar of half the world. In breast
troubled and oppressed
frost settles on the head gate.
It blurs your vision and called him
runs through the veins, and blood begins to boil
. He darkens the gesture
to the superb monster, you
grind teeth and his hands were twitching
dark when I have to force
whispers trembling with rage:
"Wait, architect of miracles!
'll see !..." and escapes to the race
believe the terrible Tsar
burning anger, the head was turned ... (...)

Monday, June 18, 2007

How To Restore A Rosewood Table

William Blake

Translation Victoria León.
Foreword by André Maurois
Editions Silver Spur, Col. universal literature, No. 3, Sevilla, 2007, 1 st ed
Price: 9 €
220 pages

edition extreme care, based on a highly original deck, good translation and a good prologue André Maurois, and numerous illustrations by William Blake that are totally relevant in view of the relationship between images and the poetic vision that Blake set himself on Chesterton. Only occasionally are made of less that would be included color plates and some larger, some poems as "El Tigre" it would have deserved. In any case an issue well beyond the standard normally we are, what we're grateful.

Blake reader can always find something of interest in reading the various writers make him especially in the case of types with a flair for Chesterton. Blake gives his poems a sense density and amazing images and mythology as elaborate as extremely specific and sometimes unfamiliar, the pompous English writer works to elucidate. Chesterton

lights the way from the "engines" of creation, Maurois, and in reading the book emerges as self-GKC draws attention to the affinity "Adam" of both, that somehow reinvent religion from a very personal to arrive at solutions in the context of mainstream Christianity in England (Protestant and Anglican) puts them in a strange middle ground with Catholicism.

Beyond faith and connecting the two authors a peculiar form of relationship with the world around them and they feed intellectually. The Blake is sincere admiration and some poems, such as El Tigre, are considered by Chesterton incontestable achievements. This does not exclude criticism:

"In my opinion, one could see, generally, though with some important exceptions, that every time Blake speaks more of inspiration is when it really is less inspired. That is, less inspired for whatever those spirits that govern good poetry and good thinking. Whatever the spirits that govern the bad poetry and bad thought, he was heavily inspired by them. [...] It is good that great men like Mr . Rossetti and Mr. Swinburne full confidence in the seraph of Blake. Naturally, both can rely on the angels, they do not believe in them. However, I do believe in angels and, incidentally, also the fallen angels. "
As seen his admiration is far from the perspective prerafaelita. Chesterton creates an uneven test progression, which certainly contains many valuable contributions, among others, relating to his time with William Blake, the eighteenth century, usually considered the "age of reason." Connect this with the formal dismantling and reconstruction of religion that causes the emergence of secret societies among which is Masonry. Another finding is the comparison by opposition between the artistic vision of Blake and contemporary impressionism, one seeing the essence of reality and the other the different realities around it to be (see Monet's cathedral series).

This book is the end of the meeting of two very interesting and highly personal poetry, that of William Blake and of Chesterton, a very profitable reading for any reader that illuminates while the transition to contemporary culture.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Women Who Are Jealous Of Other Women

GK Chesterton God's Judgement of Heinrich Von Kleist

The story published in the collection of King Lear Breviaries "shows an example of the best writing German romanticism, while Hölderlin was shown as one of the boldest and most significant poets of the movement, Von Kleist shone with a clear and careful prose, only simple in appearance, their own deep goals.

"The Judgement of God" Von Kleist is part of the lines of force that maintains its precise writing: the struggle to make sense of life through literature, or at least by asking all type of questions around the subject of your concern. God is not outside, not death: "After the wedding ceremony, Mr. Friedrich was decorated by the Emperor, and when he finished his affairs in Switzerland, returned to Worms." Once there ordered that the statutes of the holy divine grief, where is assumed to always come to light offenders, add the words: "If the will of God." "

Recognized as one of the authors who influenced Kafka argues in this book an obsession with the nature of justice, its relationship with vengeance and shortcomings in its implementation, which in fact intermarry this short story with Process , while his argument and substance are also to Robert Louis Stevenson.

The trial of God with all and despite its serious theme background fabric using a unique narrative that articulates with the lightness and flavor of a German tale princesses. A return to tradition that relates to a movement in which the highest representatives would his contemporaries: the Grimms, but certainly when used with an astonishing literary sense. Kleist

it burn at the stake to absolute truth in a past time in the months followed one another watching the moon and God believed to be still some kind of judge.


67 pages Ursula
Translation ----------------

Nozzles -------------------------------------------------- --------------- Heinrich Von Kleist
(Frankfurt Order, 1777 - Wannsee, 1811) is considered one of the leading German writers of the eighteenth century, the highest representative in your country of the Romantic movement. His influence was decisive in later authors like Franz Kafka, although during his life had to suffer the misunderstanding of their peers. After undertaking a military career in 1799 moved to Berlin, where he studied philosophy and mathematics. Became familiar with the thinking of Kant and disavowed the existence of a single absolute truth.

Tieck Creator with the German novella, is considered a precursor of expressionist literature. He traveled much of Europe and faced openly against Napoleonic imperialism, which would cost the prison. At just 34 years, overwhelmed by despair and financial ruin, committed suicide in Lake Wannsee with his lover, Henriette Vogel. CRISTINA

Monday, June 4, 2007

A Church Welcome Poem

lasting partnerships - Cristina Closed


LANGUAGE OF CLOTH 320 pages, EUR 21.85
Alianzas duraderas, Cristina Cerrada
Moving away from custom and original look, provocative and ironic, Cristina Cerrada (Madrid, 1970), explores this through her second novel "durable partnerships" in the difficulty of coping with a dull life, familiar and relatively stable, when to do so has had to give up what is most desired. In the words the writer: "To what extent the abandonment of one's identity and the fantasies that have accompanied you during the first years of your life are well tolerated after release?". Barnabas

Leblanc has shifted from anthropology classes in college to work as a laborer in a town hall cleaning. Gone are his dreams of becoming a researcher, to travel to remote places to study primitive tribes. Given the economic difficulties that is, moves to the house of his father with his large family-four daughters, a granddaughter, his wife, the husband of the eldest daughter. Barnabas endured the situation "The despotism of their leader in the cleaning unit, the rantings and ravings of his father, etc.," but everything gets complicated when a former professional colleague offered to drop everything and travel to the South Pacific to investigate the sexual mores of a tribe uncommon.

"enduring alliance" is thus a dramatic comedy that takes us, without falling into easy sentimentality, a harsh and stark reality, a world where happiness is, at best, a rather complicated task.

The structure of the novel is conventional, the narrator begins by showing a "snapshot" of the life of Barnabas and then follow chronological order in which the narrative intersperses flashbacks when required, "but is in the style, direct prose, sharp and concise, to the simplicity of its descriptions, the successful management of the metaphors of situation, where the novel really stands out. If all of this, moreover, we add an outstanding job with the dialogue and characters complex and contradictory that they evolve from the first page and able to establish a great rapport with the reader, we can conclude by affirming that this is a negligible text, high literary quality, and with a good dose of a particular humor, both subtle and poignant. Ricardo