George Gurdjieff: Russia 1877. The Fourth Way. Knowledge of master perpetuated to the present. The Enneagram entered Western culture through the Schools of Gurdjieff, who worked with Sufis and other esoteric knowledge of traditional schools in the East. Later was developed by Oscar Ichazo, Bolivian and founder of the Arica Institute, a student of yoga, zen ... who developed an application to psychological study of character. Gurdjieff's teachings are delivered in the fourth level of our Order.
The Enneagram is a long but veiled history. It is believed to have originated in Afghanistan, nearly two thousand years ago, perhaps in the early years of Christian influence in Persia and then infiltrated Muslim circles after this religion invaded Central Asia and the subcontinent of India.
Until this century has been strictly as a secret oral tradition and only made known to the followers of Sufism. What in the West is known about the Enneagram was initiated by George Gurdjieff, although there is a written description of the work.
A Ichazo Oscar is credited with the Sufi Enneagram knowledge of academia, first in Chile, where it originated and then in the U.S.. Ichazo educated in Bolivia and Peru and was introduced in the Sufi tradition of the Enneagram by a man whose name he declined to reveal. Some years later Ichazo attracted the attention of some members of Esalen (California), among which were Claudio Naranjo, who currently teaches the "wonders" Enneagram.
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