to what I call a fake
Perhaps this term is better known by the Peruvians, when I refer to trademark "pirate" is when you make an illegal copy of a product. If it does not affect us when it comes to clothes and bags, for makeup and other cosmetic products, if it is very dangerous because as imitation does not meet health requirements and passes quality control, so its use may cause allergic reactions very harmful to our health. One day looking at my Facebook page, I met a girl who was selling MAC products at a relatively affordable, it seemed strange to see scrap or lip palettes that never had seen on his website, just as prices were much lower than in the U.S.. Out of curiosity remembered an appointment to meet with the girl is his department and see what news there was supposedly brought U.S.. The centerpiece of his room table was covered with a pile of boxes with products "MAC" in strange and obscure presentations. Obviously I did the crazy and started to look very carefully at how they were different products that offered me the originals. What surprised me most In the table all the goods were stamped MAC, but the funny thing is that they were not printed and cut (if well intended) in the product. Had likewise glosses in the presentation of Victoria Secret, and paddles are horrible where shadows, lipstick, and powders. Finally, a real insult to the brand, the good thing is that I have the pictures to show you what these products of dubious origin.
Consequences of using a fake - Skin problems such as allergies or sensitivity - Waste of your money - They have good finish - No well-pigmented - quickly fade
I realize that is a fake product - Compare if the labels or prints are flawless - The unit is in good condition -Must be a collection known "The price should not be lower than the established
How to avoid buying fake - Buying from an authorized - Examine a packaging - Do not buy from strangers who bring products
Products offered
be safer if they enter the web page MAC Cosmetics and verify that these products do not exist.
Perhaps this term is better known by the Peruvians, when I refer to trademark "pirate" is when you make an illegal copy of a product. If it does not affect us when it comes to clothes and bags, for makeup and other cosmetic products, if it is very dangerous because as imitation does not meet health requirements and passes quality control, so its use may cause allergic reactions very harmful to our health. One day looking at my Facebook page, I met a girl who was selling MAC products at a relatively affordable, it seemed strange to see scrap or lip palettes that never had seen on his website, just as prices were much lower than in the U.S.. Out of curiosity remembered an appointment to meet with the girl is his department and see what news there was supposedly brought U.S.. The centerpiece of his room table was covered with a pile of boxes with products "MAC" in strange and obscure presentations. Obviously I did the crazy and started to look very carefully at how they were different products that offered me the originals. What surprised me most In the table all the goods were stamped MAC, but the funny thing is that they were not printed and cut (if well intended) in the product. Had likewise glosses in the presentation of Victoria Secret, and paddles are horrible where shadows, lipstick, and powders. Finally, a real insult to the brand, the good thing is that I have the pictures to show you what these products of dubious origin.
Consequences of using a fake - Skin problems such as allergies or sensitivity - Waste of your money - They have good finish - No well-pigmented - quickly fade
I realize that is a fake product - Compare if the labels or prints are flawless - The unit is in good condition -Must be a collection known "The price should not be lower than the established
How to avoid buying fake - Buying from an authorized - Examine a packaging - Do not buy from strangers who bring products
Products offered
be safer if they enter the web page MAC Cosmetics and verify that these products do not exist.

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