Sons of fiction once upon a time
is curious that a country like ours, so given to poetry anthologies, not produce more anthologies like which concerns us here, a project of Atlantis Editions surprising as the risk involved and the audacity of having actually carried out, especially given the almost total lack of possibilities of publishing a new author without godfathers this or any else on the planet. Tic-Tac. Stories and poems against time has, among its pages to 60 authors, some of whom credited and a solid writing career, or at worst, a name enough to be recognized as quality assurance in the market. Among the former are no less than Espido Freire (time away), the Spaniard Rafael Reig (Time on the tablecloths), poet and novelist Leopoldo Alas (grandson of his namesake and is involved with the poem (A common language) or Ronaldo Cuba's Menendez (The Butterfly Effect), all authors with published work, relatively young and that criticism has recognized its proven worth. Among the latter, Ouka artist Le (e) you or the versatile Luis Eduardo Aute, who contribute to this anthology two unpublished poems (Cintra Notebook and What it is, but ya). Joining them hitherto unknown names like Alberto Massa, César González Álvaro, Julio Montesinos, José A. Gallardo and Guillermo Aguirre.
time as a metaphor, inevitable theme of mirrors or narrative, time, finally, as the basis of literature itself (remember that time is precisely that to which any author faces, and consequences that scans any text that seeks to be considered literature), is the point of contact between the various stories and poems from the anthology. However, it is not here, as mentioned above, where lies the true interest of it, but in the extensive list of new names that the publisher has dared to place alongside those sacred cows, all unknown writers for the general public, although some have already published their first works. Obviously, the set, as any collection is uneven, it does not mean that it lacks findings of an extraordinary literary maturity. Stories like mud Chapter 1, where the Spaniard Alberto Massa plays shamelessly to be both Pynchon, and Cortazar, errors of calculation, in which Cesar Gonzalez Alvaro offers a modern reinterpretation of the myth of Sisyphus; A Russian tale in which Eduardo Vilas approaches the game realities of Gogol's The Overcoat; on quicksand, Guillermo Aguirre, a metaphor borjiana personal memory, or, finally, the Futurists In telling my story the memory of Bilbao Mateo Peace or War Time and JD Alvarez. All these stories, along with the also excellent All palaces are empty or when God pulls a hand ... to name just a small sample, make up the core strength of Tic-Tac, a book that shows it is possible to dispose of literary bets without the support of big media, and has the enthusiastic participation of teachers and students of Hotel Kafka, a writing school has recently created a dynamic with the cultural initiatives of our capital. Atlantis continues editions as well (and now they're three years old), its commitment to independent publishing giving us this wonderful collection of authors own and others with the certainty that in any case, only "time is the best anthologist, or Only maybe .... "
Title: Tic-Tac
Stories and poems against time.
Genre: Narrative
ISBN: 978-84-96621-61-9
Miscellaneous: Jose Trujillo Priego, Rafael Reig, Eduardo Vilas, Ronaldo Menendez, Matthew Peace Espido Freire, Luis Eduardo Aute, William Roebruck, JD Alvarez, Leopoldo Alas, Ouka Leele, Stephanie Muniz, Guillermo Aguirre, Jeny Schönberg, Francisco José Blanco Torres, David Avila Sanz, Alberto Masa, Frank Melia, Angel Fernandez de Marco, Manuel José Díaz Vázquez, Wallas pravica, Rubén Darío, Antonio Castillo-Olivares Reixa, Celina Borja, Rodrigo Lake, Pilar Cruz Herrera, David Lane, José Manuel Cano Pavón, Rosa Cáceres, José A. Gallardo, Joaquim Pisa, Juan Antonio Pizarro Martín, Sergio García Reina, Ernesto Capuani, Antonio Ferrer, Santiago García Rey, Julio Garcia Llopis, Pilar Sifas, Enrique Sánchez Poplar Elvira, Enrique Fernández, Miguel F. Martin, Juan Carlos Nevado, Francisco Llorca, Alberto Almeida, Ángeles López Sánchez, Xavier Gassó Lorido, Carmina Vidal, Benito de la Calle Pascual, Luis Cabello Muñoz, Miguel Ángel Sánchez Fernández, Carlos Lopez, Leonor Rudat, Luis Pérez Malpica, Ricardo Robla Conchita Ximénez, Yolanda Hernández Villalón, Luis Moreno Carmona, Luis Henares, César González Álvaro, Eva Martín Soler, Sonia Alonso Orfila.
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