Kurt Vonnegut A Man Without a Country
Translation Daniel Cortes
Editorial: Ediciones del Bronce. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2006. Hardback with jacket
ISBN: 84-8453-167-8
Price: 19.00 €
Size: 15 x 23 cm. 172 pages
A man without a country is the last book published by Kurt Vonnegut (Indianapolis, 1922 - New York, 2006). Author not well known in Spain who achieved worldwide fame with his masterpiece: Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children's Crusade, where germanoamericano revisited during the war in Vietnam caused the slaughter by the English firebombing of Dresden, Germany Florence , with more bombing victims of human history, surpassing even the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The book marks the end of a brilliant career, which included also other fine novels as Cat's Cradle , Mother Night, Sirens of Titan, Bird cell or God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater.
in nature essay Vonnegut combines reflections silkscreen reproductions of texts, each other's texts are brief, bright and full of dry humor, criticizing all aspects of our society more unpleasant for him from Bush to environmental destruction by overuse of fossil fuels.
With only 170 pages, many illustrated, and clarity language that holds the American author reads a sigh. This is not a collection of articles and humor and wit him away from the political pamphlet, is without literary unpretentious but full of values \u200b\u200band some valuable information, such as the clarification that Slaughterhouse 5 really started when he knew that the soldiers who fought in the war we were kids, "they always are-in a context that allowed him to write freely about the truth he had seen" the horrible things we had done the worst people imaginable : the Nazis. "
He defines himself as a humanist "The Humanists seek that our conduct is the most decent, fair and honorable that we can, without expecting a reward or punishment in another life as a Christian "if Christ had not delivered the Sermon on the Mount, with its message of mercy and compassion, I do not I want to be a human being. "while an atheist and socialist.
Beyond the ratings given to Vonnegut himself, we find a representative of an extensive line of satirists whose Rabelais and Prince is a list where we met Jonathan Swift and Mark Twain, the latter of undeniable influence on the American author. It is not as wrongly says the fourth deck, the recovery of "critical genre popularized by Michael Moore, but it leads to a new level."
After listing the many contradictions of the critics who called them science fiction writer by the mere fact knowingly used technology in his novels as well as Luddite, with that strange loyalty in the XXI century to the machine writing and to the prints, and bright apocalyptic end this book with a Requiem in verse, where the Earth exclaims: "it's over!, people did not like being here."
Now "Kurt Vonnegut is in heaven "and from there we still giving his irony, this button displays:
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