Monday, February 28, 2011

Oxnard Ca Surf Report

"The figure of the psychotherapist does not exist as health care." Article on the evolving practice of psychology in the private sector.


In a recent article , psychologist Cristina Martínez Brotóns comments:
write this article because, in recent years, I see an evolution in the practice of psychology in the private sphere is, at least, very disturbing .
Apparently, anyone can and open a query and display the "title" (which of course do not have) a psychotherapist. Centers have proliferated in which, for a large sum of money, training is done in Coaching, NLP, Hypnosis, in Gestalt ... Announced, available on the Internet, promising and assuring a bright new future career.
result of this fact is that the consulting psychologists that if we are reaching cases of people who have journeyed from consultation to consultation with no results, with their pockets and beaten with frustrating impression that nothing could be done for them. That, in the best. In others, the problem has worsened as the "non professionals" have been practicing on them do not know what to do psychotherapy.
The article title is blunt ("Psychologists Psychotherapists truth versus outsiders") and its content, although I would like to add some more data.

First, the official title of "therapist" does not exist in Spain, since, as the English Society for the Advancement of Clinical Psychology and Health (SEPCyS) :
Finally an important caveat regarding the figure of a psychotherapist. This figure does not exist as a health professional. Not respond to any university degree, so no guarantees for the patient or legal cover for their activities. It is therefore necessary to alert the professional intrusion of people who are not sufficiently prepared to carry out such interventions and who call themselves therapists, without adequate preparation for it.
currently in Spain, according to current legislation in this regard, quite rightly gathered in document "unconventional therapy, Centres and Health Activities with Purpose" developed by Dr. Mario Araña Suárez , only health professionals can make diagnoses and therapies. That is, the law strictly applied, even psychologists do not have a specialist degree in clinical psychology could. In fact, have already started having problems psychologists Recognition Centres Drivers who are not specialists in clinical psychology, as we read in Infocop Online . In the field of hypnosis, psychologists, hypnotherapists, hypnotherapy, including psychological, may be in a complex legal situation.
The fact that they offered all kinds of psychological therapies by "therapists" without formal academic qualifications, without apparently having problems to do so publicly, online and other media, does not mean that they satisfy the requirements of existing legislation to do so, but that the Administration "look away" and not worry that their advertising and practice comply with the law, except there is any specific complaint to a particular therapist.
On the other hand, that does not mean that the "therapists" and other professionals in non-conventional therapies can not work, but they have certain legal limitations, namely can not make diagnoses and therapies.
An outstanding example of that without being entitled, in certain cases, it could get to work with graduates, even in the sensitive area of \u200b\u200bmedicine, would be to Hamilton Naki (outfielder surgeon) that, without education, was to "train medical students how perform a liver transplant in pigs ", was selected by Dr. Christiaan Neethling Barnard to form" part of the backup team in what would become the first successful heart transplant in the world. "
Finally, he received an honorary doctorate in medicine, no longer the Surgeon - Clandestino - which had been so far:
Author: Luis Aparicio Sanz

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Write A Bengali Wedding Card

On this blog, its content and what is criticized

Hello everyone.

In view of how are things down in recent comments on the articles published, several clarifications:

Under no circumstances has criticized or is the goal of the blog challenge for psychologists professional, collegiate and practicing their profession in a legal and honest.

We are not against either the psychology or who practice within the legal framework allowed.

What is criticized in this blog just defends them, ie NON-CRITICAL Degree in Psychology, SUCH AS ENGAGED without informing patients that are not psychologists.
We put it in capital letters and underlined for anyone to misinterpretation.

From the blog only publish what we get, real stories of people who have had a negative experience with this psychotherapy and psychotherapist. If you do that is reportable, they say.

not accept threats of any kind as the last published by some anonymous.

DENOUNCE professional intrusionism and bad practices of the psychotherapy and what provokes.



said, that each act in accordance with their actions. But again, do not accept threats such as those received recently.

also will ask you to leave the comments of the post with a name, not only as anonymous, in order to facilitate responses between users and not confuse the staff.

Thanks for following the blog.
Hello everyone.

Friday, February 25, 2011

What Doctor Should I See For Stools

Another story. Experience

We leave further testimony.
insist that everything posted on this blog comes to us because their authors are put in contact with us so we can publish.

" Hi all,

Ojala, had known all that is told in the blog 4 years ago. My husband went through a deep crisis, he was guilty of the death of his mother because his father died when he promised would take care of her, she had peeled his only brother and his business was sinking. He was in a pit from which he could not leave and would not seek professional help. In this situation meets a woman, a psychotherapist and I was doing a course of gestalt. I had never heard this word. Following know, our children and I became his enemies, always looking for discussions at home, he told us that loved him and felt like a piece of furniture. All were against him.

His relationship with this woman and told her increase that we had to part (he did not agree) and I was determined and all that I had Work it was very strange and then there were our children, I decided to investigate what was that about the gestalt, but found no big deal, I said they were techniques used by psychologists. I discovered that she was not a psychologist and was engaged at home to implement a host of therapies (their website is priceless). We separated and went to live with it, our children live with me because I could not see clearly the "work" it seemed wise.

During these years, I have been asked hundreds of times back, I said I was a mess, I did not understand what he did and that was with her because had helped to erase painful memories.

He has not done any course of gestalt, but it takes 4 years under the influence of this woman (if it has) and manipulate it mentally. Every time he tries to return home (he looks happy and decided), she calls, or sends messages presented in the work always with some excuse and turns to eat the "jar" convinces him that what needs and returns to be an unhappy person.

I initially did not know what happened, I thought I was crazy or something and that I was a little "paranoid" because I could not believe that a person could manipulate another in this way. In reading the stories of the blog, I realize that many of the things that count are similar to those we have experienced ourselves.

I think we're on track. It decided to seek professional help, this time genuine.

Greetings, "

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Electrical Outlets In A Travel Trailer

As the Wranglers

Clay has been used to create some of the most beautiful art in the world: the Ishtar Gate, the tiles of the mosques Persians, the sculptures of the early Chinese dynasties, the figures pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, jars at Mycenae in 2000 a. C., among others. Porcelain, translucent objects like glass, of the Sung dynasty of China, were brilliant achievements of the art manufacturing and cooking. For Shoji Hamada, the potter considered Japan National Treasury, working with clay is to be in contact with the root of life. The confrontation with the mud can make us think about ourselves so earthy, intense and passionate. This is a soft and sensual, strong and heavy a substance that is both strong and malleable. It is so plastic that can take on any shape. However, work in ceramics is not easy. Not immediately, requires a series of processes difficult to control. Only at the end, after cooking, you can see the finished work. This limitation decreases with increasing the skill, experience makes it possible to visualize what will work.

Crafts and Art Clay

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

10 Steps On How To Masterbate As A Man

Fire Clay 2010, The factory of Núvols