The program's popularity Gestalt psychiatrist Claudio Naranjo, really arises after starting to offer workshops in Europe, in 1976, by which begins to spread the SAT program, through non-profit organization founded in 1970, called the "Institute SAT." He had assembled a group of friends and former trainees of gestalt therapy, among whom was his mother. Following the success of the group is beginning to offer workshops, reached to extend its program to the countries of Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Mexico with great success. The popularity of the program is largely due to establishment of its program and the popularity of his books, through which it can transmit its unique style of 'Gestalt Therapy', applications of the Enneagram of personality, spiritual practice 'interpersonal meditation' as he describes and in the style of New Age, also using his music as a therapeutic resource. Actually developed a professionally acceptable way to transmit openly Gestalt therapy, which justifies or explains esoteric beliefs as set out in the early twentieth century, for Gurdjieff.
Erase the 'false self' of the existence of an esoteric influence is evident, especially promoted by the promoters of the New Era. You must 'remove me' socially developed, which is not real, it is conditioning. Our consciousness is in a state similar to sleep. Waking from sleep or to achieve 'light consciousness' is to destroy the 'I' false socially learned and developed. This must be done to deny any inclination, desire, sentiment, view and body need to get rid of the centers (desires and bodily needs, mental and emotional).
We must not be controlled by social pressures. We must awaken to the self that is real and genuine, free from prejudices and concerns. To achieve this we must refer to 'be' one to a thorough process by which one emerges from the social and emotional ties, as if one did not feel as if it were another person who observes and analyzes their being from outside its own body. This esoteric Gurdjieff and his teachings influenced by him called 'awakening', 'awakening to true self', because the person gets rid of everything learned, the 'false self' and no longer counts herself, to give way to the 'inner self' that will surface and sometimes try to control him. A reach that state of mind is what individuals and raising an alert for concern in the mental health professionals. We were able to identify 'warning and danger', since there is the risk that the person to fall in depersonalization (See
Gurdjieff developed an ideology based on the belief that there is a "Fourth Way" to develop internally and to develop the latent powers of man. He began exparcir their beliefs, through courses, to install his "Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man in Paris France, in 1922. Through his institute, could spread the teachings he received from Eastern teachers during their travels in India, Tibet, Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, Iraq, Mecca and Medina (2nd holy city of Islam) when he was agent of the Czar of Russia. He joined the occult secret societies of Armenia, groups who believed in communication with the dead, magic, secret societies, Buddhism, Sufism (esoteric branch of Islam, Eastern relative of Freemasonry ) and Hinduism. Because of the type of doctrine that explains Gurdjieff, his beliefs were quickly adopted by the Masons and other esoteric branches arising Gnosticism, who also call themselves Christian. Claudio Naranjo
emphasizes on the whole scheme of the 'Enneagram Gurdjieff': a catalog of strengths and weaknesses typical of the individuals or type of your psyche, as a therapeutic means to resolve the problems associated with each personality type. Although Gurdjieff's ideas are being promoted widely by professionals, we recommend great caution, since many people are awarded the titles, not to have specialized in this field of study and therefore specifically targeted in the wrong direction. The proliferation of sects is far greater than anyone imagined. The beliefs of the 'Fourth Way "has proved a great tool to hook many dangerous sectarian groups. They are beliefs that today are being promoted mainly by the promoters of New Age, especially by several public health professionals in the United States, who are trying hard to enter as a therapeutic tool.
The testimonies of experiences of victims are often the best tool for assessing the legitimacy and reliability of a group. Function usually make a sort of "consumer report" ("Consumer Reports").
Support Network, Inc. ( ) has not received reports of group victims Claudio Naranjo, so far, however, we suggest to always be alert, since each time a group claiming victims starts generating the same thing it does is give clear signs of careful, dangerous.